Marisol García
Co-founder and Director
MSc Urban Design in Development, University College London
Architect, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Marisol is a co-founder and director of Ciudad Emergente. She is also a co-founder of UrbanKIT, a crowd-funding platform incubated in StartUp Chile, and a co-founder of the Foundation for Housing Management (Fundación Gestión Vivienda) known today as “Social Urbanism”, a foundation that develops housing, neighborhood and city projects through its own model of people-centric social urbanism.
She worked for the Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF) in England, on building international networks and disseminating knowledge about innovative and good practices relating to community, housing and urban development worldwide. She is currently a professor of the Masters in Urban Design at the Pontíficia Universidad Católica de Chile, where she teaches the classes “Emerging Urbanism” and “Laboratory on Urban Design”.