Davor Posavac

Project Director


Architect, Universidad Mayor


Davor is the Project Director in Ciudad Emergente, where he has led pilot initiatives of social cohesion, urban resilience and smart cities, along with coordinating processes of knowledge transfer in urban innovation between Europe and Latin America. Davor coordinated the pilot of Shared Streets corresponding to a pioneering initiative in Chile that seeks to experience a change of habit in the use of the street to combat climate change.

He has coordinated the implementation of the Alameda Caminable Experiment of the Resilience Strategy of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, and in 2017 he led the national initiative the Great Malon, an urban tactic that brought together 12 thousand Chileans in 9 regions of the country. around a large table to build trust and community.

Between 2012 and 2015 he served as Director of Habitability and Project Manager in Fundación Junto al Barrio, where he led important urban interventions in Santiago, Valparaíso and Coquimbo, exhibited in the symposium “Latin American Incrementalism: from PREVI to Present”, in the Museum of New York Modern Art -MoMA, has also worked as an Urban Planning Advisor for the Municipality of Huara, promoting heritage conservation processes and the Country Service Program of the Poverty Overcoming Foundation leading urban initiatives in rural towns and technically supporting the rehabilitation of villages of indigenous communities in the altiplanic zone of the Tarapacá region in contexts of social vulnerability.

