
The project

"Tactics for Barranque" is a transfer of knowledge in urban tactics and measurement tools for the implementation of a Participatory Enabling Plan for Barrancos as safe, inclusive and resilient public spaces in Guatemala, protected by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, through the creation of Public-Private Governance.

Between December 2 and 3, 2017, a pilot experience of tactical urban planning was carried out in the Barranco located between Zone 10 and Zone 15 - Urban Jungle where different short-term actions were developed such as participatory cleaning, conviviality of suit, ecological routes, painting of murals, concerts and talks, with which different problems related to the ravines were addressed. At the same time, measurement tools were applied to know the perception of people around different topics and evaluate the impact of the tactics.

Consult the plan for participatory canyoning