Afternoon of games and workshops around sustainable mobility
Táctica “Muévete al Patio” en Patio Peñalolen
Image 1: Game and measurement tool "What Moves You"
Residents of Peñalolén on bicycles, scooters and skates spent an entertaining day whose theme was to discover, try and think about different ways of moving around the city without polluting, benefiting health and motivating entertainment.
The tactic installed in Patio Peñalolén (Avenida Consistorial 2701) was visited by the mayoress of the commune Carolina Leitao who was very enthusiastic about the theme and also because of the motivation of Grupo Patio for promoting this type of instances for the community.
“We are here in a very entertaining activity with Grupo Patio trying to activate sustainable mobility among citizens, and that means taking a little space from cars and giving a little space to sustainable mobility. What is sustainable mobility? basically two wheels, we are getting the neighbors to come, we have an activation with a bicycle so that everyone can get their juices pedaling and that they can tell us, all of them, and me as mayor, what are their main concerns and ideas on the subject of sustainable mobility pointed out the mayoress of Peñalolén Carolina Leitao.
Image 2: “Jucleta” Pedaling makes a juicer work.
Families, children and tenants participated in this day, which had broad participation from the community: "One of the fundamental things in life is being able to be healthy both in body and in mind, this has direct benefits for the family, on a daily basis day, transmit joy to the environment in which we surround ourselves, to the people and what better than to be able to generate these public-private alliances where in this case Grupo Patio makes its assets available to the same environment in which it is inserted and generate all this theme motivation, positive synergies between neighbors. It seems to me that this is the best, practicing through facts and a bit of what we can see today” explains Federico Jacial, Real Estate Development Manager of Grupo Patio.
17 parking lots (408 square meters) of the Patio Peñalolén were transformed into a space where sustainable mobility took over the scene. A tactic implemented by Ciudad Emergente that included a game called "What moves you" that seeks to know the way people move in the city and its obstacles; a Skate workshop for girls and boys by “Yes percent”; a bicycle repair shop run by a neighbor of the commune and his store “Bici Kings”; the “Jucleta” (a bicycle with a juicer that works when pedaling) a track was also designed to test Lime bicycles and scooters.
“We seek to intervene in a space designed for the automobile to make it more friendly with people, incorporating shade, places to sit and rest, with recreational activities that bring neighbors together. We want to know your opinion on how to improve mobility and accessibility in the commune, which has a high rate of motorization (0.58 cars per inhabitant, 12th nationally) so that in the future there are more options to enjoy the walk or riding a bicycle, modes that benefit both people's health and care for the environment” assured Daniela Balbontín, Project Leader of Ciudad Emergente.
In the instance, an agreement was also signed between the Municipality of Peñalolén and Grupo Patio to collaborate with the Yunus Foundation and the entrepreneurs of the commune.
Image 3: Tactic Move to the Patio, Peñalolen.