In 2021 Ciudad Emergente was incorporated into the “SDG Good Practices” catalog by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)

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Image 1: Image of Sao Paulo and life in quarantine. New York Times font.

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in a second call collected more than 700 success stories, good practices and lessons from various organizations focused on the implementation of the 2030 agenda and the SDGs.

El Gran Malón, La Mesa Latina and other tactics related to strengthening the bonds of trust between the people that we have implemented throughout the 10 years of existence of Ciudad Emergente are just some of the experiences collected from our organization.

Strengthen collaboration, coexistence and build community in public space. A simple invitation to share a meal has impacted thousands of people. Under this premise, Ciudad Emergente receives with pride and commitment the recognition of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs by incorporating ourselves into the presentation of good practices, success stories and lessons learned by all parties interested in the implementation of the Agenda. 2030 and the SDGs.

Our “Social Cohesion Initiatives” (ICS) such as El Gran Malón, the self-convened Malones, La Mesa Latina in Lima, Medellín and Santiago or La Gran Mateada in Salamanca, Chile; The Convivio de Traje in Guatemala or the Guateque in Mexico, all synonyms of getting together in the street and sharing a meal with neighbors and forming a community have been considered by the United Nations as an important contribution to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the 2030 agenda.

Addressing mistrust among people and contributing with a festive and collaborative spirit to the neighborhoods has been a challenge and also an opportunity that Ciudad Emergente has developed throughout its 10 years of existence and we plan to continue doing so and collaborating in building better cities more livable.

A team of United Nations experts reviewed more than 700 candidate cases to be part of this example of innovative measures that have been described as a frame of reference. Only 450 good practices in line with the SDGs around the world have been chosen, including our case and are available at this link: https://sdgs.un.org/partnerships/social-cohesion-initiatives so you can review it.

A contribution to achieve and accelerate some processes in cities that promote a fuller and happier life. Especially in times where the Covid 19 pandemic has made human relationships difficult and put to the test. The Gran Malón 2020 was modified to celebrate El Gran Balcón, an invitation to carry out activities on their balconies, play and share to feel that we are a community from a distance while still connecting and raising the community spirit.

“The social cohesion practices that we promote in Ciudad Emergente and that have been highlighted by the United Nations, are a concrete way of locating the Sustainable Development Goals and advancing in those goals such as achieving sustainable Cities and Communities and achieving societies that promote peace, stronger justice and institutions. ” comments Javier Vergara Petrescu, Chief Executive Director of Ciudad Emergente.

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