Do you want to help build more bike lanes in Chile?
Ciudad Emergente Foundation is promoting a donation campaign to create protected emergency bike lanes throughout Chile. To significantly reduce road crashes and increase the use of bicycles as a sustainable and safe transport, we need more and better infrastructure.
How to donate to the cause?
To better understand the donation system, here we explain the use of donated money:
For example: 1 linear MT of emergency bike path for its design, management, construction, maintenance and evaluation has a value of 1UF ($31,950.- chilean pesos approximately).
Step 1: Decide the amount you want to contribute
Step 2: Make your contribution (specify in "reason for payment" if it is a gift or a donation)
Step 3: Happiness for making a better world (remember to check your email, we will send you a voucher or a donation card)
Your donation will directly help us to build more protected bike lanes. You can pay with Transbank (Chilean accounts) and PayPal (foreign accounts). After we receive your donation, we will email you to confirm your donation and clarify if this was a donation to our campaign or a gift in someone’s honor. If it was a gifted donation, we will send an email with a digital card to the specified recipient, indicating how many bike lanes were donated in their name, keeping you in copy.
Meter counter to achieve the Emergency Ciclovía in Caupolican street, Renca
We must change these figures. Are you willing?
Cyclists were the 5thtype of user with the most deaths in Chile.
Currently 8%of the Chilean population uses bicycles as their main means of transportation.
The Metropolitan Region is the place with the highest number of road crashes in 2020 with 377 road accidents.
Nationally, 107cyclists were killed in traffic incidents.
SOURCE: Consejo Nacional de Seguridad del Tránsito, 2020
Importance of cycling and sustainable mobility
The bicycle provides us with several benefits for both our health and the planet’s.
Emergency bike lanes
Emergency Bike Lanes are proven tactics both in Chile and abroad, which allow the execution of cycling infrastructure in different parts of the country to be done easily and quickly. Thanks to their low cost and rapid execution, they allow for accelerating the construction of infrastructure in times of health, social and climatic crisis. The first kilometers that we manage to build will be destined to those communes where there are fewer bike lanes and are needed the most. With your donation, you will not only be contributing to making cities fairer, safer and more sustainable, but you will also be able to access a free online course on road safety to increase respect and awareness in our streets. Invite your friends to participate, share and donate. There are many ways to give support. Be the first to build your city!
Tell us where you would like to have a protected emergency bike lane
We want to thank you for your contribution
That is why we created a free online course on Road Safety for all our donors who contributed to the campaign "Dona Un Metro de Ciclovía de Emergencia". We know that many people use the bicycle or car as the main means of transportation, but not all are up to date with the road regulations and that can cause fatal crashes. This is why it is important to have traffic education in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. We hope that all cyclists and drivers are aware and responsible when going out.
At the end of the donation campaign we will be informing each of the donors the date and how to access the virtual course.
Download HERE the posters for your stories and profile. Always remember to tag @ciudademergente and us the hashtags #CicloviadeEmergencia #DonaUnMtdeCiclovia
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